– Beth Borda, Vice President “We help align the mission of local foundations with development opportunities that will impact and strengthen their respective communities.” Click/Tap to learn more – Robert DeHoff, Chairman "At Mills Business Park in Canton, OH, and Stark Farms in Navarre, OH, we have shown how investments from foundations can bring good paying jobs to communities." Click/Tap to learn more – Rosa Kays, Development Manager “With mission investing, foundations can create an infinite loop of philanthropy. The returns on mission investments are recycled back into communities as new grants and additional mission investments.” Click/Tap to learn more – Dan DeHoff, CEO & Co-Founder "We operate at the crossroads of philanthropy, venture capital, and private equity. We want to help foundations look at charitable philanthropy in a whole new light." Click/Tap to learn more – Carla Frank, CFO "We operate as "venture philanthropists" to lead local investments that will accelerate economic growth, development, and revitalization of communities." Click/Tap to learn more

Our Mission:

To maximize charitable impact in communities by
leading and managing real estate mission investments.

Our Vision:

Generous donors, charities, and foundations are looking to make bigger impacts in their communities…to align a greater percentage of their endowments with their charitable mission. We want to maximize their impact by leading and managing mission investments that create good jobs, improve neighborhoods, revitalize downtowns…and in the end, make communities better.